mindPsy is a mind map/brainstorming creativity tool with Augmented Intelligence. Think of mindPsy as a "Smart 8 Ball" - you ask a question and it generates some possible answers. When you first create a top level topic (a question or item to explore), mindPsy will populate that topic with semi-random text. That is probably only helpful on rare occasions. However, edit that topic to what you want; add a child topic and mindPsy will generate text that relates as a child (in some sense) to the parent. That can be useful.


Brainstorming in a group can be counter-productive if not done properly. The best process is:
  1. Present the challenge to the group.
  2. Have people separate and generate ideas individually. mindPsy helps with this step.
  3. Bring the group back together and merge all ideas.
  4. Work through the full list: expand, flesh out and generate follow-on ideas.
  5. Work through the full list: refine and prune to generate the best solutions.
Our next release will add more features to support this model.

Touch Controls

Drag Move the screen.
Tap Select a topic.
Double-tap Edit a topic. See Edit Menu below.
Long-press / Right-click Popup menu. See Popup Menu below.
Pinch / Scroll Wheel Zoom the screen (centered on the last touch point).

Menu Bar

Menu Main menu
Redo Redo the previous actions
Undo Undo the previous actions
untitled Forest of Topics file name.
Make Create a new topic. If there is a selected topic, the new topic will be its child. Otherwise the new topic will start a tree.
Edit Change the text of the selected topic. See Edit Menu below.
Center Move the topic tree to the centet of the screen and resize it to something reasonable.

Main Menu

File Standard file I/O. On mobile and web, files are stored in an internal folder that is intended for use only by this app. To share files with others, use the Import and Export options.
Format Change colors and shapes. See Format Menu below.
Settings Change settings.
Help This.
Abount mindPsy Legalese.
Install Locally (When running from the web only.) Install mindPsy locally for faster startup.

Popup Menu

Format Change colors and shapes. See Format Menu below.
Make Create a new topic. If there is a selected topic, the new topic will be its child. Otherwise the new topic will start a tree.
Delete Delete the selected topic. Its children move up to the parent.
Delete Branch Delete the topic and all of its children.
Parent Select the parent of the current topic.

Edit Menu

B Bold Set selected text to bold.
I Italic Set selected text to italic.
U Underline Set selected text to underline.
S Strikethrough Set selected text to strikethrough.
T Unformatted Set selected text to unformatted.

Format Menu

Formatting applies to the currently selected topic and, optionally, to its children. You can turn off formatting the children of the selected topic by unchecking the "Change Subtree" checkbox. If no topic is selected, then formatting is applied to the entire forest of topics. The formatter bases the overall palette on the background color of the topic. It checks the current colors for wallpaper bakground, outline, text and branches. If they do not match what it would create, it switches off the corresponding checkboxes. You can switch those checkboxes on or off to chose which colors are updated using the "tasteful" palette mechanism.
Colors The color palette is designed to be a "tasteful" combination, based on the topic background color. The checkboxes control which color aspects are updated.
Topic Shape Several types of box
Branch Shape Straight / Curved
Branch Directions Left / Right / Up / Down